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Tokyo Illustrators Society (TIS) was established in October 1988. TIS was founded not merely as an arena for illustrators to get acquainted with each other and exchange ideas but also as a platform to let our society know their capabilities.
There are a total of 232 TIS members as of January 2015.
In order to explore further possibilities of illustration as well as for its future development, TIS has hosted a variety of activities such as exhibitions, open recruitment for the purpose of fostering young people, publishing and research conferences.
The organization is headed by administrative director Hiroyuki Izutsu, vice presidents Jun Tsuzuki and Tatsuro Kiuchi and acting director Sugio Yamazaki.

(一些日本的、当代的、插画家的作品展示。2015-09-29 22:55)



(Adobe家的,类型广泛的、实际应用的设计作品展示。可以找到超大图,良心。2015-10-14 18:07)



(潘通家的,类型全面,实际应用的展示站。2015-10-15 00:50)




The international Medieval Animal Data-Network (MAD) was founded in 2005 at the Department of Medieval Studies at Central European University (Budapest) as an attempt to bring together multi-stranded intellectual thought concerning human-animal relationships in the European Middle Ages. It is intended to explore the exploitation of animals by documenting and analyzing archaeozoological, textual and visual data.
It leaves the door wide open for study of ambiguities in the cultural attitudes towards those same flesh and blood beasts.
MAD not only impacts life in the medieval past but has repercussions for the way people of today may view and understand the world around them.
MAD strengthens consciousness of the complex interplay between culture and nature. MAD accumulates a large body of data. Analyses of these data reveal local, regional, and Europe-wide patterns which aid understanding of long-term environmental and social processes, representing a vital part of the cultural heritage of Europe.

(微博上那个中世纪动物数据库的大本营,第二个页面似乎只是他们的项目介绍页,有一些链接列表很有趣,第一个页面是他们的研究成果展示页,很多信息,而且它所属的总站里面的其它无数项目也都很有趣,我还没仔细看,希望以后有时间慢慢扒拉。2015-10-16 10:32)



Have you ever wondered what archaeologists really get up to? Is it all just digging or is there a lot more to it? The Day of Archaeology project aims to provide a window into the daily lives of archaeologists from all over the world.  The project asks people working, studying or volunteering in the archaeological world to participate with us in a “Day of Archaeology” each year in the summer by recording their day and sharing it through text, images or video on this website.  The resulting Day of Archaeology project demonstrates the wide variety of work our profession undertakes day-to-day across the globe, and helps to raise public awareness of the relevance and importance of archaeology to the modern world. We want anyone with a personal, professional or voluntary interest in archaeology to get involved, and help highlight the reasons why archaeology is vital to protect the past and inform our futures.

(意思好像是每年挑选一个日子,世界各地的考古工作者一起发帖介绍自己在这天都干嘛了,挑选夏天的话是因为主要的北半球的考古发掘的室外活动只适合在夏天进行?有一些帖子的后面附有更多链接详细介绍自己的项目和自己的小组,挖掘一下会很有意思。这个网站也列举了支持者之一大英博物馆的链接等等,不过我想等以后遇到更具体的资源的时候再整理大英博物馆相关的信息。2015-10-21 13:10)



Launched in 2010, Colossal is a Webby-nominated blog that explores art and other aspects of visual culture. Colossal won the Utne Media Award for Arts Coverage in 2013 and is ranked by Technorati as one of the top 50 blogs on the web. Each week you’ll find 15-25 posts on photography, design, animation, painting, installation art, architecture, drawing, and street art. Colossal is also a great place to learn about the intersection of art and science as well as the beauty of the natural world. There are frequently posts about things far out in left field, but generally Colossal is a reminder that in the digital age there are still countless people making incredible work with their bare hands.
Colossal began as the personal art and design blog of Christopher Jobson. He lives in Chicago with his wife Megan and son Caleb. In addition to what you see here, he has also written about art and design for Wired Magazine and Mental_Floss. You can learn more about him in FastCo and Demo Magazine.

(我非常喜欢的网站。以文章的形式介绍当今的艺术家和他们的作品,似乎更看重手工艺的重要性,着眼于不同属性的材质以及对它们的处理方式和表达,也有一些是纯粹的工匠,总体非常唯美。总之我非常喜欢,在如此重视个性内涵与奇特创造的今天,单纯关注手工技术与视觉美感是很罕见的事情了。也有很多在微博上就很吸引我的作品也能在这里找到介绍文章。非常值得翻一遍。2015-11-12 12:39)



Why Textile Art?
We are Joe and Sam Pitcher and we’re fascinated by textile art. The reason? Our mum, textile artist Sue Stone. Let’s tell you a bit about her journey and how this inspired us to start TextileArtist.org.
Mum’s story
At the age of 6, mum learned to stitch on a Singer treadle sewing machine. Her tutor was Muriel, our Grandmother, who was a seamstress (we still have the piece of embroidery she made to celebrate our births). Mum was a keen student and it wasn’t long before she started designing and making clothes, first for her dolls and then for herself.
It was the unfaltering support of Muriel that led to mum leaving her home town of Grimsby at the age of 18 and going off to study Fashion Design at St Martins School of Art in London and then Textiles and Embroidery at Goldsmiths College. She was lucky enough to have been taught by some of the greats, including Constance Howard, Christine Risley, and Eirian Short, the teachings of whom still inspire her artistic decisions today.
After graduating, mum returned to Grimsby, where she ran a womenswear business with our dad for 28 years. This was a hectic time and due to the demands of the business, as well as starting a family, she became distracted from her real passion; researching, creating and exhibiting textile art. In fact it wasn’t until she reached the age of 50 that she returned to her first love, rediscovered her passion for this most unique art form and began to stitch again.
It was an exciting time, with mum rejoining the 62 Group of Textile Artists and exhibiting all over the country. Here we are, over 10 years later, and the body of work she has produced is awe-inspiring.
So why did we start TextileArtist.org?
To have been able to witness our mum’s commitment, passion and the development of her style, which is figurative, funny and filled with life, has been a real inspiration to us. We are very proud sons indeed.
A passion for textile art
But along the way, we’ve also developed a real enthusiasm for the medium of textiles on a wider scale. We love going to exhibitions and seeing the huge variety of innovative and unusual textile art on offer. We’re fascinated by the inspiration behind a piece of work and how the artist has used textile and mixed media techniques in its creation.
A platform for artists and art enthusiasts
Having searched online, we found plenty of great sites for individual artists and groups or associations, but no real platform showcasing textile art on a broader scope. We wanted to know how individual textile and fiber artists work, learn about how they implement techniques, hear their stories and find out what influences and inspires them.
We also wanted to give artists like our mum an opportunity to promote their unique brand of textile art, share their experiences with one another and contribute to a community of like-minded creatives. And if we wanted this, maybe others did too?

(一个关于纺织品的艺术的网站,所搜集到的介绍文章和作品非常丰富,各自都很有个性,是两个很出色的儿子为他们的艺术家妈妈建立的,总之很好很好,要多看。2015-11-27 15:45)



iGNANT is an award-winning online magazine featuring the finest in art, design, photography and architecture. We are passionate about bringing you a curated selection of the most captivating work from both established creatives as well as emerging talents. In addition to publishing inspirational projects from around the world, iGNANT produces its own unique editorial features on the cutting edge of contemporary culture that include interviews, studio visits, travel stories and more.
Since its launch in 2007, iGNANT has steadily built up a global readership of creative professionals, thought leaders and tastemakers, attracting more than 500,000 visitors and 1.6 million pageviews per month.
In 2011, iGNANT won the ‘Golden Lead Award’ in the category ‘Weblog of the Year’ and was also nominated for the ‘Grimme Online Award’.

(一个电子杂志,一个看上去很清新的网站,实则很多东西很难理解,很禅意,我太喜欢了,好开心最近可以遇到这么多好看的网站,但是我太迷糊了。2015-11-27 16:16)



About Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art is the world’s leading online art gallery, connecting people with art and artists they love.
Saatchi Art offers an unparalleled selection of paintings, drawings, sculpture and photography in a range of prices, and it provides artists from around the world with an expertly curated environment in which to exhibit and sell their work.
Based in Los Angeles, Saatchi Art is redefining the experience of buying and selling art by making it easy, convenient and welcoming for both collectors and artists.

(一个展示并出售艺术品的网站,主要目的是买卖,在这里,你可以买到艺术家原创的艺术品原件而不仅仅是它们的批量复制产品,非常棒,其中的展示好极了,分类有点像wikiart,按照技法、流派、媒介等等,并不是那些已经步入经典殿堂的名家巨制,而是今日的正在活跃的艺术家的新鲜创作,展示很棒,很好看,也可以得到效果很好的图片,值得好好看很久,是艺术品,而不是产品,值得看。2015-12-02 15:02)



The artwork on Society6 is created by hundreds of thousands of artists from around the world.
When you buy a product from Society6, we produce it using only the highest quality materials, and ship it to you on behalf of the artist.
Artists! Learn more about selling your artwork as gallery quality art prints, iPhone cases, t-shirts and other fine products - without giving up control of your rights.
Society6 was founded by Justin Cooper, Lucas Tirigall-Caste and Justin Wills.

(这个网站售卖的是用艺术家们,或者更像是设计师们的作品来制作而成的日常生活中可以用到的产品,或者叫艺术品衍生物之类?当然也有装裱好的印制品或原作,以供摆放的画幅,但是更多的是印有图案的手机壳、杯子、抱枕、服装、卡片、文具、挂钟等等,实用性更强、与生活的结合更紧密,更清新、更轻松、更和善,艺术家和他们的作品本身是非常精彩的,所以这些产品看一看也是很好的。2015-12-02 16:17)




founded in 1999, designboom is the world's first and most popular digital architecture and design magazine.

(一个设计站,关于室内外建筑、工业产品、高科技,或者纯粹的艺术品?时尚、视觉或者多媒体,总之是一些实在存在的物品,应该很有用处但是又好像没什么用,很前卫、很未来、很高科技、很有时空感,很难以理解又很令人惊讶,创意,或匪夷所思,智慧与进取,开朗,乐观向上,难道我的意思是说相对的纯艺术的话就会更晦暗更沉重更有绝望感,其实我就是这个意思。总之倒是一个令人振奋的网站,有官方中文版,也正式引进中国了,但是我只是想说在关于网页设计方面,他们的网站有点丑得太,乍看以为是很山寨很外行的很拙劣的扒信息站呢,不过也许他们是有更专业的其它考量或者是事实上这些实物的设计师确实是不懂网页设计?反正网站是大好的,也是大快的,更是跟我的其它搜集不很重合的,所以一定要好好翻翻。2015-12-02 17:37)



ArtisticMoods is a fun and ambitious blog devoted to serve you daily inspirations from the art world. Here I share & celebrate art with a main purpose to promote beginning & advanced contemporary artists from around the globe.
I like to share all kinds of loveliness. If it’s fun and distractive, there’s a big chance you’ll find it here! Sometimes, when I’m a mood for specific things (like dancing, romance of cuddling with cats) I like to share themed posts. And if you’re here for the free stuff, have a look at the Giveaway Parade. Always something to win there!
My name is Sandra Apperloo and I live in the beautiful Netherlands. I like to draw, eat sweet stuff, travel, visit fun events and spend time with my favorite friends (and prefer to combine those last three things). I graduated from the University of Utrecht in 2012. During my internship in 2011, I discovered my love for blogging while writing for a Dutch magazine called La Chispa (for which I wrote articles & did online promotion). I’ve loved art for as long as I can remember and I always share my finds online. So in 2013, I started blogging on ArtisticMoods.com.
I love spending time on ArtisticMoods. Hope you will too!

(这似乎是一个个人站点,从建设之实力到鉴别之品味,完全属于一个人,是个热情满满的女人,方能造此丰盛又颇有条理的资料库,更新也很勤快,pin上的账号也同样丰富、清晰,总之我是远远不如了,羡慕。嗯,内容来说,很森系,很清新,很少女,很小确幸,都是些与生活有关的有趣的、创意十足的小东西,更可见这位站主是个迷人的女人啊。颇可以好好看看。2015-12-09 17:34)



(正如域名所见,这是个俄罗斯的插画网站,全部是插画,全部是俄语。全部是俄语,所以我完全看不懂,可以用翻译软件查每个词的意思,但是不值得在这里贴出原文的网站介绍了。全部是插画,手绘,都是用于商业出版的,儿童绘本,经典童话、幼儿科普,或是成年人的文艺作品的插图,等等,总之是一些你可以在图书大厦里看到的印刷品上的风格。非常棒,跟那些日本的,或者英语的插画网站又不一样,感觉像是很古典的艺术品,有的极其可爱,有的十分诡异,俄罗斯的绘画啊,一直都值得好好研究的。真是一个神秘而又诱人的国度。2015-12-15 17:43)




(英国皇家学会的官网和其中的图片收藏栏目,国内可连。暂时仅作记录,以后有时间好好翻一翻。2016-01-21 19:03)




(荷兰国立博物馆的官方主页,当然是英文版页面,也有中文版,但是,汉化得不好,比较官方的页面还是荷兰语和英语。另一个是他们的一个公众参与的艺术项目,类似于文创周边的开发方案征集?总之挺有意思的,以后研究一下。国内可连,但是最后大图打开有点问题,暂且记录下来,以后再解决。这也是一个无尽宝藏库啊!2016-01-22 14:02)



(不,我不知道这个网站是干嘛的,我甚至不知道这是哪种语言,这可能是个个人博客,发帖子,用标签归类,但是内容非常好看,主要也就是艺术设计创意一类的,至少我能辨认出用英文字母拼写的每一系列作品的作者姓名,所以如果看到好看的可以用作者去网络上搜。非常好看,可以用来打发时间,大雾。2016-01-22 15:31)



(艺术设计类的东西相当不错,但是貌似不止,其它的有趣的好玩的也很多,没事的时候看看也算很长见识吧。上一次整理网站的时候就遇见了这个站,但是当时好像是决定不记录下来,这次又碰到了,确实是很好玩的一个站啊。就这样吧。2016-01-22 15:58)



Brown Paper Bag is an illustration-loving blog that cel­e­brates the field in its many forms.
BPB cat­a­logs illus­tra­tion, and it’s more than just inter­ested in edi­to­r­ial images you’d see in mag­a­zines. Fash­ion, tat­toos, and illus­trated prod­ucts are all impor­tant parts of our visual cul­ture and deserve their time to shine.
Brown Paper Bag is run by me, Sara Barnes. I’m an MFA in Illus­tra­tion Prac­tice alum (2013) and a free­lance blog­ger. In addi­tion to this site, I write for My Mod­ern Metrop­o­lis, Craftsy, and Scene360.
I’ve con­tributed to books about illus­tra­tion and am a prac­tic­ing illus­tra­tor, too. (Always avail­able for free­lance projects!) I’ve been fea­tured in Embroi­dery Mag­a­zine, Bmore­Art Jour­nal of Art + Ideas, Blan­ket Mag­a­zine, and more.

(一个个人站,非常好看,而且跟我最近看到的一些大站的信息几乎不重合,作者去哪里挖掘这么些在已经很火的作品之外的别具特色又极其精彩的作品和作者呢?看来还有得看!我粗略翻了一下,已经看到好几份我一见钟情想要存下来的信息了!!下次心烦的时候首先扒拉这个站!2016-01-25 12:47)



(有一些插画家的合集,不算很多,但是都很好看,而且也不是很常见,可以看到比较大一些的图片,总之最近遇到新鲜一点的东西就会记录下来,之前保存的一些大站点上面的东西总是很火的到处都可以看到的了。在听喜多郎。2016-01-25 13:23)



(由个人搜罗的关于插画的文章站,结构简明清晰,好多好多好多文章,很好看很好看,我都要看不过来了!2016-01-25 14:12)



Lines and Colors is a blog about painting, drawing, sketching, illustration, comics, cartoons, webcomics, art history, concept art, gallery art, digital art, artist tools and techniques, motion graphics, animation, sci-fi and fantasy illustration, paleo art, storyboards, matte painting, 3d graphics and anything else I find visually interesting. If it has lines and/or colors, it's fair game.

(一个个人站,尤其是,包括但不限于经典的油画作品,等等,持续了不止十年啊,每篇文章中图片非常多,大小也不错,下载很方便,附有的相关信息和链接很丰富,很清晰明了,所整理的列表也很清晰实用,简直太棒,如果我能做相关的网站,我正想做成这个样子的!等这个春节整理完手头这一批当代比较实用的比较时髦的艺术之后,我就回头去看经典作品,还有日本的浮世绘,还有中国绘画。到时候必须来扫荡这个网站。2016-02-01 17:49)



Invaluable is the world's largest live auction marketplace, making it easy for people to find what they love at auction.
Leading auction houses use Invaluable's cloud-based technology to manage over $9B in total hammer and deepen relationships with millions of clients.

(似是一个艺术类物品拍卖信息大整合的网站,反正乱七八糟什么都有,没事的时候看看肯定挺长见识。2016-02-01 18:29)



We started My Modern Met back in May 2008 because we wanted to create one big city where we could celebrate creative ideas. We aim to promote a positive culture by spotlighting the best sides of humanity—from the lighthearted and fun to the thought-provoking and enlightening. Today, we get an average of 3 million visitors coming to our site each month, looking for articles on art, design, photography, architecture, technology, environmental issues, and inspiring stories.
We're most proud of the fact that we're not just exposing new people to incredible artwork or uplifting stories, but we're also helping artists' careers and providing a platform for inspiring individuals along the way. Nothing brings us greater joy than hearing about how a person’s life has somehow changed after being featured on My Modern Met.
With The Arts, we feature and interview artists that are on the pulse of contemporary art. They continuously push the boundaries of how we think, and often times, the message in their artworks are more powerful than words could ever be.
With Inspiring Stories, we shine the spotlight on ordinary people who perform extraordinary deeds. It’s these people who restore our faith in humanity and inspire us to become better individuals.
Thanks for checking us out. You can also follow us at Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Google+, Bloglovin', and Feedly.

(一个关于各种艺术的综合站,非常好看,非常可爱,精神不算太好的时候可以看看这里治愈一下。2016-02-01 19:03)



Founded in 1989, and online since 1995, artnet is the leading resource for the international art market, and the principal platform for art auctions on the Internet. We offer a wide range of art market resources, providing a place for people in the art world to buy, sell, and research Fine Art, Design, and Decorative Art.

(也是一个与艺术拍卖有关的信息整合站吧,非常高雅,非常艺术,非常清简脱俗,让人不敢喘气。嗯。2016-02-01 19:58)




(Project Gutenberg 的介绍页和资源页,不用代理,又快又好,简直良心,好像还有app,我要研究一下,我觉得这里面的电子书在排版、校对、完整性方面应该会好一些吧,亚马逊的都不敢相信,所以我也不会买kindle,嗯嗯嗯,总之是个电子书站。哦,对了,每一本书的格式非常多,总能找到适合自己的,国内多的是按照文件归纳排序的,不怎么有同一本书的相关信息整合在一起的。2016-02-13 01:48)



Donald Heald Rare Books, Prints & Maps offers the finest examples of antiquarian books and prints in the areas of Botany, Ornithology, Natural History, Americana & Canadiana, Native Americans, Voyages & Travels, Maps & Atlases, Photography and more.
Founded in England in 1972, we have formed and contributed to important private and institutional collections. Items of note which we have placed include a unique copy of Abbot’s Natural History of the Rarer Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia with plates on vellum, an extremely rare extra-illustrated large paper Spanish edition of Blaeu’s Atlas Mayor, Curtis' North American Indian, a copy of the Federalist in boards,  the first separate printing of the Bill of Rights, and a large paper issue of Redouté Les Roses with the plates in two states.
We are renowned for our extensive print inventory which is unsurpassed in quality. The Sporting collection recently incorporates the complete print stock of Ackermann & Son of London, established in 1783.
We are members of the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America, where Mr. Heald has served on the Board of Governors as Treasurer, Security Chairperson, and as Chairman of the New York Antiquarian Book Fair. We are members of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers, and the American Historical Print Collectors Society. Mr. Heald is a member of the Grolier Club, and the American Antiquarian Society.

(珍贵的书、印刷品、地图。总之是个上好的站。2016-02-13 02:25)





(不用多说啥了,Smithsonian的主站,Asian art分站,和Asian art的全部藏品公开。值得花一辈子的时间慢慢看。2016-02-13 20:06)



(俄罗斯图站,看不懂。2016-03-25 10:57)



(艺术个站。挺好看的。2016-03-25 11:10)



(一个艺术站,乱七八糟还挺有意思,也许很久之后会感激今天毕竟把它记录下来了。2016-03-25 11:27)



(一个小团体的官网,旗下的几位艺术家挺有意思的,所以记在这里了。2016-03-25 11:46)



(希腊神话。2016-03-25 11:57)



(艺术站,挺好看,反正也没什么不好看,就这样吧。2016-03-25 12:16)



(普蘭塔,中科院植物所的,专业人士的内部交流平台,还在更新,虽则信息都是公开的,想来我也看不懂,但是将来也许有一天去看一看吧,总之这里都是专业的信息就是了。2016-03-25 12:46)



(中国植物图像库,植物所的,虽然现在看起来意义不太明朗的样子,也不知道有没有在更新,但是姑且留着吧,也许以后有用。2016-03-25 13:13)



(一个矿石相关站,也是意义不明,犹豫了一下,暂且记录下来,万一哪天感兴趣了呢。2016-03-25 17:34)



(俄罗斯经典绘画站,有其它语言版本,内容还算很丰富,而且最终图片大小也不是很小,虽然我不大可能通过网络总站的方式梳理西方艺术史,我会看纸质书,然后去维基找最大图,这就够我玩一辈子了,但也姑且记录下来这个站吧,还算不错。2016-03-25 17:59)


(植物分类。专业。虽然看不太懂,但是有时间扫荡一遍或许有收获吧。2016-03-25 18:17)



(一个关于中世纪手抄本中的插图中的动物的汤,哈哈哈哈,我好喜欢,必须再来扫荡一遍,会很有趣。2016-03-25 18:39)



(关于服饰时尚品牌的橱窗展示的介绍页面。也许将来我会感兴趣?2016-03-27 08:24)



(虽则网站丑,设计丑,功能丑,什么都很丑,但是内容确实很丰富很完善,之前遇到好几次了,也实际用到很多次,所以最终还是记录下来吧,如果是这个网站的话,我可以扒拉一遍艺术史。感谢站主。2016-03-27 08:38)



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