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Petra Blahova
2015-10-15 21:57

Petra Blahova



Hi Everyone,
My name is Petra and I'm very passionate about what I do, which means anything visual.
I originally come from Prague. When I finished college I moved to Belfast where I lived for two years after that I decided to study in England. I have finished my graphic design degree and since then I live and work in Lake District.
I love to take on challenges and keep my self busy. In my spare time I love screen-printing, lino-print, reading, embroidery, yoga, cycling, drinking beer, collecting beautiful books etc...I never get bored
If you would like to know more about me and my work please don't hesitate to contact me

2015-10-16 12:35

This type was originally designed for my mailer. After getting nice feedbacks from other designers I decided to create whole alphabeth. Each letter is illustration it- self.

I love to explore different techniques and ideas.
One morning I walked from work and I was inpired by the flowers everywhere so I decided to create a typeface out off them. You can create typography from anything.

The description of this brief for RSA Awards was to design a set of stamps as a means of encouraging consumers to make positive environmental changes and educate future generations with regard to energy conservation, low-impact transport, zero- carbon housing, and reducing water over- consumption. At first I started to create vector images but I was not happy with the feel of it. So I made little world to show the simple way of changing our behaviour towards nature i in the most effective way.


Henri Matisse
Claude Monet
Grandma Moses
Henri Rousseau
Yuri Shwedoff
Édouard Manet
Kazimir Malevich
Édouard Cortès(1)
Wassily Kandinsky

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